OK, for me it is sometimes appropriate to say "Altared" Books. I love books--reading them, writing them, making them, buying them, giving them, and now--hacking them up and re-creating them. Once you get over your inner librarian, it's a blast. I can't remember where I got the idea, but there are great examples and communities online. Now, my kids are doing their own books, and every time a friend comes over, we get out the books. Most of the kids' books live at our house (I tolerate/encourage creative messes more than most). I love that our home is a safe haven for art.
These photos are of my altered book, "What Happened: The Stories Behind the Science Stories in the News". (That was the original title of the book. See, even science is just our stories). It's about my experience with breast cancer. If you click on photos, you can see them enlarged and scroll around. The book has many pages that have not been photographed yet.
Here's one of my favorite altered books artists: Modern Gypsy